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Stir Trek 2023 Interactive Notebooks for the Polyglot with Python, .NET, SQL, JS, and more!
Stir Trek 2023 Interactive Notebooks for the Polyglot with Python, .NET, SQL, JS, and more!
Activity Type: Speaker/Presenter at Third-party Event
Role: Speaker
Fri, May 5, 2023, 9:00 AM
Primary Technology Area: .NETAdditional Technology Areas: Developer Tools
Target Audience: Developer
This was my first attempt at publicly presenting Polyglot Notebooks and Jupyter Notebooks to attendees of a user group or conference and I got some absolutely glowing praise, including some lovely twitter love I showed folks what notebooks are, how Polyglot relates to Jupyter, and how they could use Python, C#, F#, SQL, SQL, JS, PS, etc. to interact with their data in iterative little steps and deliver value. I showed the basics of the tooling and how it generally works and showed specific examples from data analysis, data processing, data visualization, machine learning with ML .NET and SciKit-Learn (along with mentions of the Azure ML SDK), and computer vision with Azure Cognitive Services. People were particularly blown away by data visualization using SandDance and in working with Formatters and Extensions in Polyglot. It definitely drummed up a local interest in Polyglot that I plan on feeding this year with ad